Friday, July 27, 2007


Yesterday I got my new soft contact lenses. I've worn hard for 25 years and switching was a long process. Uncorrected I am 20/400, in layman's terms -blind as a freaking bat!

Today, I'm 20/20 for the first time in my life.
I'm also in the process of having the last permanent bridge put in my loud mouth.

So what. you ask?

Well, for most of my life I've had dreams of my teeth falling out (which eventually they started doing -genetics)
But the dreams were pretty disturbing.
After some research I went with Carl Jung's explanation:
Teeth represent power. Ancient man, upon killing a beast would remove its teeth and wear them as a symbol of taking the beast's power. We, in the present, tap into that ancient memory and ritual through dreaming. Our "bat phone" to the collective unconscious.

So here I am today with a full mouth of teeth and clear vision.

And yet
And yet

I am restless....

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